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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleMedium4`T Working Map" ILevels: Degree:  B.S. in BiologyUI = Introduced; P = Practiced; M = Mastered (terms adopted from WASC recommendations) Serial #Course # Course Title PLANT BIOLOGYANIMAL BIOLOGYPRINCIPLES ECOLOGYPRINCIPLES GENETICSIPMMARINE BIOLOGYFRESHWATER ENVIRON MICROBIOLOGY EPIDEMIOLOGY HEMATOLOGYBIOMED PARASITOLOGY BIOGEOGRAPHYMICROBIAL SYMBIOSESPOPULATION BIOLOGYMICROB PHYSIOL & BIOCHEMBIOLOGICAL CONSERVATIONMOLECULAR & CELL BIOLPRINCIPLES DEV GEN ANALYPRINCIPLES EVOL BIOLPRINCIPLES ANIM PHYSIOLMEDICAL PHYSIOLOGYENVIRON MICROBIOLOGYMOLEC MICROBIOLOGYMEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGYWATER QUAL HUMAN HEALTHPRINCIPLES VIROLOGYCELL CULTURE TECHNIQUESMOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGYMOLECULAR TECHNIQUESBIOINFORMATICSPCR DNA SEQUENCING NEUROBIOLOGY ANIMAL SENSESENVIRON ANIM PHYSIOLOGYENVIRON TOXICOLOGYANIMAL BEHAVIORECOLOGICAL METHODS ORNITHOLOGYVERTEBRATE BIOLOGYBIOLOGY SEMINARSEMINAR IN FORENSIC RES`Curriculum Map for Biology Student Learning Outcomes, CSU East Bay, Dept. of Biological SciencesSLO1SLO2SLO3SLO4SLO5pDemonstrate how evolutionary processes give rise to the diversity and unity of life, from genomes to ecosystems.~Explain the relationship between structure and function across all levels of biological organization, from ions to ecosystems.Clearly communicate biological information in a variety of formats (written, oral, graphical, computational) using a style appropriate for the intended audience. AGather, interpret, and evaluate published scientific information.Apply methods of scientific inquiry specifically, students will be able to formulate testable hypotheses, collect and analyze data, and report conclusions.Alignment of Biology Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) to Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) and WASC Core Competencies (WCCs)aInstructions: - Enter a course ONLY if that course is part of the requirement of the major (core/option requirement or elective). - For each course, use the pull down list (click the cell, and the downward arrow will show) to indicate at what level the material is addressed for each SLO. Leave cell blank if the SLO doesn't apply to the course. 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