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Do not add in FLEX CASH.FBAS4FBAS5FBAS6UNMARRIED HEAD OF HOUSEHOLDMARGINAL TAX RATEFMTR1FMTR2FMTR3FMTR4FMTR5FMTR6 BASE TAX AMOUNTFBST1FBST2FBST3FBST4FBST5MARITAL" ------- NUMBER OF ALLOWANCES ----FBST6STATUSOVER 2DIFFERENCE FOR OVER 2 OVER BASE AMOUNTMAR/HEADFOVR1FOVR2FOVR3FOVR4FOVR5FOVR6Xcalculation. These show as ACCT RCVBL on your earnings statement/direct deposit advice. ANNUALIZED TAXFTA1FTA2FTA3FTA4FTA5FTA6ron. Each column represents the withholding or amounts associated with the corresponding Deferred Compensation/TSA PAY PERIOD TAXFTAX1FTAX2FTAX3FTAX4FTAX5FTAX6 STATE TAXESLIEADDALLOWSDEDTXCRBTXCROV2TXCRRTXCREDITSTATE ANNUALIZED TAXABLE GROSSSTG1STG2STG3STG4STG5STG6 BASE AMOUNTSBSA1SBSA2SBAS3SBAS4SBAS5SBAS6 MARGINAL TAX RATESMTR1SMTR2SMTR3SMTR4SMTR5SMTR6 BASE TAX AMOUNTSBST1SBST2SBST3SBST4SBST5SBST6 OVER BASE AMOUNTSOVR1SOVR2SOVR3SORV4SORV5SORV6 ANNUALIZED TAXSTA1STA2STA3STA4STA5STA6 PAY PERIOD TAXSTAX1STAX2STAX3STAX4STAX5STAX6nGross Pay-Enter your gross monthly pay. This amount is shown on your earnings statement/direct deposit advice nFederal Marital Status-Enter any status (M=married, S=single, H=head of household) you want to check rates on.]Number of Exemptions Fed-Enter the number of exemptions you want to compute federal tax with.tState Marital Status-Enter any status you want to check rates on. (NOTE: This calculates only California state tax.)wAdditional Exemptions State-Enter the number of additional exemptions you want to compute state tax with. (Calif. only)rDeferred Comp/TSA**-Use this field to enter any Deferred Compensation/TSA amount that you want to see calculations See instructions belowdFlex Cash Option-Enter the amount of flex cash option that you receive. This shows as FLEX CASH or <COBEN CASH on your earnings statement/direct deposit advice."(Shown as FLEX CASH or COBEN CASH)SDI %SDI (YES, NO) SDI WithheldSDI1SDIGRSRevisionpNumber of Exemptions State-Enter the number of exemptions you want to compute state tax with. (California only) ACEE Rate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etirement CodeDetermined by Retirement CodeHRetirement Code - Please call your HR department for the Retirement Code^Social Security/Medicare-Retirement Code driven (SS = Both, Med = Medicare Only, NO = Neither)MSDI-Enter YES if you are covered by the SDI program, enter NO if you are not. NONE1st Half (1) or 2nd Half (2)TC2(M, S, B for Monthly, Semi-Monthly, and Bi-Weekly) Pay Frequency% (Please call your HR for Ret. Code.)OIf Monthly or Bi-Weekly, leave blank. If Semi Monthly, see instructions below. (Gross Pay)jThis spreadsheet can be used to calculate net pay and withholding amounts for employees paid on a monthly,jsemi-monthly or bi-weekly basis. By changing the marital status or number of exemptions, you can project hyour net and withholding amounts based on these changes. The different rows of the spreadsheet show thehvarious nets and withholding amounts based on the different deferred compensation or TSA amounts at thekhead of the column ($0, $100.00, $200.00, $300.00, $500.00, $625.00). You can use these amounts to comparejdifferences if you are considering making changes to your deferred compensation or TSA withholding amount.suse the calculator to appropriately calculate the second half payment (e.g. first half gross = $400 and retirement Fexclusion = $513, no retirement will be withheld from the first half payment). In this case, the remainder of the retirement exclusion ($113) will apply to the second half payment and at this time the calculator is not programed for this calculation. Manualdcalculations will be required, see PPM Section H for federal and state tax calculation instructions.hIf the full amount of the retirement exclusion was not applied to the first half payment, you should notZwhen an employee will not receive pay in the 1st half, enter 1 in B6 to allow the retirement exclusion (e.g. - $513) to apply appropriately..0 }If the employee received 1st half pay, you must enter 2 in B6 so that the retirement exclusion will not apply a second time. 4QSocial Security/Medicare ---- TAX CREDIT TABLE ----1st Half (1) or 2nd Half (2)-If calculating pay for the 1st half for a semi-monthly employee or if calculating pay for the 2nd half  0A0B0C0D0E0F0G0H7A7B7C7D7E7F7G7H7I7J7K7LHEAD OF HOUSEHOLD Excl. Amt.eTotal A/R Deductions-Enter the sum of all accounts receivable deductions that you wish to use in thisjNOTE: (If there is no taxable gross reflected for an A/R on your earnings statement it must be included in_the Total Voluntary Deductions field. Many accounts receivable deductions are one time and notLongoing. In this case you may want to exclude these from the calculations.)Federal High WageFederal Claim DependentsFederal Other IncomeFederal DeductionsSINGLE HIGH WAGEkFederal High Wage-Enter Y (Yes) for higher< tax withholding, enter N (No) for not to higher tax withholding.nFederal Other Income-Enter dollar amount for other income for the year, do not include income from other jobs.gFederal Claim Dependents-Enter annual amount for Child Tax Credit and the credits for other dependents.MFederal Deductions-Enter amount for other than the basic standard deductions.tFederal Tax Exemption: Enter E in the federal marital status field to claim exemption from federal tax withholding. Z*PERS ADJ, *PERSREDPST, or *STRS REDST on your earnings statement/direct deposit advice. amount at the head of the column. (NOTE: Also use this field to enter PERS adjustments and PERS/STRS Retirement buy back shown as 3Enter annual dollar amount, see instructions below.FDo not complete if using revised STD 686 or STD 457 effective 12/2020.UThis field must be completed when using revised STD 686 or STD 457 effective 12/2020.((Y, N or Blank) See Instructions below.B1B3B4B5B6B9RARBRCRDRERFRGRHC3C4C9CBCCCDCECFCGCHCJCKCLCPCQCRCSCTCVCWCXCYCZD4D5D7DADBDCDDDEDFDGDHDIDJDKDLDMDODPDQDRDSDVDWE0E6EAEBECEDEEEFEMESETEVEYF0F1F2F4F5F7F8F9FAFBFDFFFGFHFLFPFRFSFTFVFWFXFYG5GBGCGDGEGFGGGHGJGKGVGXH1H2HJHLHPHRHSHTHXHYSASBSCSDSESFSGSHSISJSKSLP2P5P6P7P8PAPBPCPDPEPFPGPHPJPLPMPNPPPRPSPTPVPWPXPY OPEB CBID OPEB WithheldOPEB&(Please contact your HR for OPEB CBID)yOPEB CBID - Please call your HR department for your OPEB CBID. Enter "Non" if you are not subject to OPEB contributions.C01E01M01R01S01C02C03C04C05C06C07C08C09C10C11C12C13C14C15C16C17C18C19C20C21E02E03E04E05E06E07E08E09E10E11E12E13E14E15E16E17E18E19E20E21E48E50E58E59E67E68E77E78E79E88E89E97E98E99M02M03M04M05M06M07M08M09M10M11M12M13M14M15M16M17M18M19M20M21NONR02R03R04R05R06R07R08R09R10R11R12R13R14R15R16R17R18R19R20R21S02S03S04S05S06S07S08S09S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S21S5R5SGRGSiDeduction Examples: Health, Dental, Vision, Medical Reimbursement Account, Dependent Care Reimbursement rTotal Other Flex Deductions (Pre-Tax)-Enter the sum of all flex deductions as indicated by the " * " next to it % gEXCEPTIONS: FLEX CASH, COBEN CASH, OPEB, *TSA, *DC-457, *457, *401K, *403B, *PERSREDPST or *STRS REDST. 9accounts receivable deductions with no taxable gross etc& qTotal Voluntary Deductions (Post-Tax)-Enter the sum of all other deductions you have that are not covered in the % ~categories above (exluding all *). These may include things such as credit union deductions, union dues, administrative fees,  ?CALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER'S OFFICE PAYCHECK CALCULATOR - 2023rev. 12/16/2022MNonNobF JGzG0H`HAIqIpJJ(wKKHLxLMEvMNCNOGrOO P9 VP P P) uR TUUU"VJBVrjVVVV W:2WbZWWWWW*"XRJXzrXXXXYB:YjbYYYY Z2*ZZRZzZZZZ[F>[n\^YbPdxddWf)h5jk:kFbknkkkl*l6Rl^zllllm&BmNjmvmmmnno%IoUyooo p 9pE ipu p p p )q5 Yqe q r cc PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vȉ<&J &M5BNe tY>?#!mfKx=[Ԃu}ˆ ~umoLz^W/}ةLo;9iwk/_tV[,ac߬56YvYp1ϡAz 9ۮ7ެe ."Zk1~EȰ RӔ/x$( :7vʗsSj{"bF^x^xz?>~,ɸ7Gg_zy5^|?}V I򋧿>OQ>19ٵ<Ÿ8ߊaG@tOE*\ʻ/ yToN:"1Q(v; y4<$jbRa|PŻǴI Y3wJG݈8b2(<& QHT^w/B(`Z!94[Mc˴j`jG7;Q]o YC5*CocU 9 IQ/ RV+`%*;æWѼ9/#~7qZ$*cߓrUngN>%OOi Dh[BvoLJƌB6>p&>w O]>.ɲ,5,<ؾt&9 ԔEЇIIqhJ#f6kAS&2D)p3ӕ5teO`jvzEOG)9cshger-# ~fu-ԙՍh&9܊- 6 AлY3hX"M$#Fz6#b.w*lyhĭɾ̮]nR3+=,)'Kak.zi X 8Ka6!_ 5[ M܆< kW Ds/Z/j@&8?&5- C⫲K3Zw1K|D!`~J0A?Uֶy&,Xg1K#[y$[BTV)bBRvVt=낕@[\׶Dž8d4~_@`rx \kp*O69mY&ԧ HE]HKN!Vj%2BƣJԊ=" u\ӵC&Y0>g4&oN)j rihr"VTU,koy#ŬjQJpRk3܎Ws;ɢ!JT~u "֠ۀW_ Nq֙4)ڬuZˋw֒TvќXHegvtm,{2Da*20V=CoOQ2'@C8D.IrG[Ȥiࠆ)d͛|?&f9>b|w##(ɇ"C *_p=ce΂aenv*Wm瓗{varAˇ$IDpKs6* ʢG0egAnlCYt֏$Ysă)2|FS` uz'Xr*󠍒F`Bi m/Ҷj9Xrmox86tFo˜ b`>ASDbƟPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!ÄA theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  ZO X% q+8BKT]gpyc  dMbP?_*+%6&f Page &p&?'?(?)?MAdobe PDF (redirected 2)C odXXLetterPRIV ''''0\KhCFFSMTJ0EBDAStandard"YXX??&U} }  }  }  } U }  } } U} U } } U"} U } } U }  }  }  } }  n}  n}  n}  n}  }   00%6@ 6666666 6 6 6 6 66666666@ @ 666666666 D[CCFFF ?  ? ? ? ? aDCCFFF ?Z AV-?  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