Meet Our Students

First Year Cohort

First Year Cohort

Members of the 2024 Summer Cohort take a break in the Zen Garden during the last class session of EDLD 705, Foundations of Inquiry for Social Justice, taught by Dr. G. Reyes. Students in this year's cohort include teachers, educational specialists at district offices, community college counselors, a director for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging at a public school district, an intervention director at a community-based organization, an education consultant, a director of a child development center at a community college, and adjunct faculty in higher education.

Second Year Cohort

Second Year Cohort

The 2023 Cohort attends the annual Fall Forum, the department’s orientation held in August for our administrative credential, Master’s, and EdD students. The 2023 cohort includes students from all levels of education--TK through high school, community college, and 4-year universities. Our students are teachers, counselors, principals, district administrators, coordinators of resources for the deaf, directors of disabled student services and programs, accessibility services analysts, and directors of undocumented student programs.tes
Third Year Cohort

Third Year Cohort

With some participants traveling as far away as Santa Cruz and Los Angeles to participate in our hybrid EdD program, the summer 2022 cohort includes education professionals from the non-profit sector, community college, K-12, higher education, and social services. Students pictured here include teachers, directors, a deputy superintendent, a principal, ASL faculty, a literacy coach, a field education director, an assistant director of special education, and a chief academic officer. As a testament to their sense of cohort community and their commitment to their mission, this cohort created their own T-shirt! It reads “Educational Leadership for Social Justice” on the front and “Social Justice is Harder than Rocket Science” on the back.