Teaching Ethnic Studies
Detail of L.A. History: A Mexican Perspective, 1981. Artist:
Ethnic Studies: From Students, by Students, and for Students!
Ethnic Studies began as a movement of Cal State students in the Bay Area in 1969. Today there is a growing demand for Ethnic Studies at all levels of PK-12 education. Ethnic Studies majors who wish to become middle or high school teachers of Social Science must meet through coursework or by passing the before applying to a single subject credential program, completed in three semesters in online and hybrid formats at CSUEB. All teaching fieldwork is in person. 乱伦社区 to both the Department and for Summer 2024.
CSUEB Ethnic Studies major Mario Zelaya is currently an
Ethnic Studies Teaching Concentration
In the future an Ethnic Studies Teaching concentration and certificate will prepare teachers by integrating ethnic studies content and pedagogy with Elementary Subject Matter. This Liberal Studies degree provides a pathway to the Multiple Subject Credential.
The core lower division Area F course, LBST/ES 223: Education for Liberation, is currently offered through the Inspire Program for first year students and will be required for Liberal Studies majors in 2024-25.
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