
The Global Studies Program offers the four courses listed below. 

Because of the interdisciplinary nature of global studies, our majors are also required to take courses offered by other departments (e.g., Anthropology, Geography & Environmental Studies, Economics, History, and Political Science) (see "").

GLST 101 - Introduction to Global Studies (3) (Breadth Area: GE-D1-2): Introduction to the interdisciplinary field of global studies. Examination of globalization, the interdependence of people, nations and institutions through the lenses of history, geography, politics, anthropology, and economics. Overview of major processes and outcomes of global interaction, cooperation and conflict.

GLST 102 - Global Issues (3) (Breadth Area: GE-D1-2): An interdisciplinary introduction to the origins, current status, and future trends of major transnational issues.  Topics may include food security, global trade, human rights, immigration, sustainable development, global inequality and poverty, and international conflict and security concerns.

GLST 398 - Internship (2-3): Supervised internship/volunteer work with a company, non-profit or government agency in which a substantial portion of the work experience is overseas or internationally related.

GLST 499 - Senior Seminar in Global Studies (3): Advanced research, analysis and evaluation of global systems, processes and outcomes. Synthesis and application of knowledge and understanding of chosen major emphasis in the form of a capstone paper on a relevant contemporary issue.