2024-2025 Resolutions
- BOD 2024-25 - 1R Resolution on Supporting Women’s Water Polo at CSUEB
- BOD 2024-25 - 2R Resolution on Student Representation on University Search and Review Committees
- BOD 2024-25 - 3R Resolution on HR8525 George Floyd Justice in Policing Act
2023-2024 Resolutions
- BOD 2023-24 - 1R Resolution in Opposition of the CSU Multi-Year Tuition Increase
- BOD 2023-24 - 2R Resolution in Support of the Philippine Human Rights Act.
- BOD 2023-24 - 3R Resolution in Support of Pursuing Carbon Neutrality
- BOD 2023-24 - 4R Resolution to Address Impacts of Spring Course Cuts to Students.
- BOD 2023-24 - 5R Resolution on Calling of Ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, Demanding CSU Divestments from Corporations complicit in military action in Gaza, and Reaffirming Exercise of 1st Amendment Rights on University Campuses
2022-2023 Resolutions
- EXCOM 2022-23 – 1R Resolution for the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaw and Revisions of ASI between CSU - 乱伦社区 East Bay
- BOD 2022-23 – 1R Resolution in support of the removal of Webcam Proctoring
2021-2022 Resolutions
- BOD 2021-22 - 1R Resolution to Renew the Social Justice Ad Hoc Committee Resolution
- BOD 2021-22 - 2R Resolution in Support of the Philippine Human Rights Act
- BOD 2021-22 - 3R Resolution in Support of the Federal for the People Act
- BOD 2021-22 - 4R Resolution in Support of Child Care Center at CSUEB
- BOD 2021-22 - 5R Resolution Demanding the Acquisition of the University Union and Recreation and Wellness center
- BOD 2021-22 - 7R Resolution on Spring Semester BOD Times & Setting
- BOD 2021-2022 - 8R Resolution in Support of the Bill 224
- BOD 2021-2022 - 9R Resolution in Support of the Bill 14
- BOD 2021-22 - 10R Resolution In Support of Expanding Computer Science Curriculum
- BOD 2021-2022 - XR Resolution in Support of the Federal For the Higher Education Budget Trailer Bill
- BOD 2021-2022 - 11R Resolution to Support Bill 1655 Juneteenth State Holiday Act
- BOD 2021-2022 - 12R Resolution to Support Senate Bill 641 Calfresh for College Student Act
- BOD 2021-2022 - 13R Resolution in Support of a Scholarship for Project Rebound Students
- Senate 2021-22 - 1R Resolution in Support of S.2755 - College Completion Fund Act of 2021
2020-2021 Resolutions
- BOD 2020-21-1R Social Justice Ad Hoc Committee Resolution
- BOD 2020-21-2R Resolution in Support of International Students
- BOD 2020-21-3R Resolution on Fall Semester BOD Meeting Times and Setting
- BOD 2020-21-4R Resolution in Support of the Philippine Human Rights Act
- BOD 2020-21-5R Resolution In Support of the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act
- BOD 2020-21-6R Resolution to Establish Ad Hoc Committee to Review Additional Information Regarding an Election Grievance from 2019-2020
- BOD 2020-21-7R Resolution on Spring Semester BOD Meeting Times Setting
- BOD 2020-21-8R Resolution to Honor President Leroy M Morishita
- BOD 2020-21-9R Resolution in Support of the Southwest Asian North Africa Community
- BOD 2020-21-9R Resolution Demanding a Review of the Chair of the Economics Department
- BOD 2020-21-10R Resolution in Support of the Implementation of Anti-Bias Training for CSUEB Faculty_Staff and Students
- BOD 2020-21-11R Resolution in Support of Offering Classes in Live Stream Format
- BOD 2020-21-XR Resolution in Support of the API Community and Establishing an API Student Resource Center
- Senate 2020-21-1R Resolution Fall Semester Senate Meeting Times and Setting
- Senate 2020-21-2R Resolution Clarifying CSUEB Online Instruction on MyCSUEB-Portal
- Senate 2020-21-3R Resolution for the Encouragement of Affordable Learning Course Materials
2019-2020 Resolutions
- BOD 2019-20-1R Resolution on Fall Semester BOD Meeting Times and Setting
- BOD 2019-20-2R Resolution in Support of the Associated Students of Ohlone College Students First Proclamation
- BOD 2019-20-3R Resolution in Support of Supplying a Majority of 乱伦社区, East Bay Electricity using Solar Energy
- BOD 2019-20-4R Resolution in Honor of Joshua Charles Peckham
- BOD 2019-20-5R Resolution in Support of HR 4225
- BOD 2019-20-6R Resolution for Toiletries Initiative
- BOD 2019-20-7R Resolution in Support of Policy for Additional Safety on Campus
- BOD 2019-20-8R Resolution for Climate Emergency Declaration
- BOD 2019-20-9R Resolution in Support of S.2612
- BOD 2019-20-10R ASI Mobile Phone Application Ad Hoc Committee Resolution
- BOD 2019-20-11R Support for Mandate Undocu-Ally Trainings for CSUEB Faculty/Staff
- BOD 2019-20-12R Support of the Expansion of CSUEB's California Promise Program
- BOD 2019-20-13R Resolution to Execute the 2019 Operating Agreement
- BOD 2019-20-14R Resolution in Support of SB-1211
- BOD 2019-20-15R Resolution to Establish COVID-19 Need-Based Assistance Scholarship
- BOD 2019-20-16R Resolution in Support of Proposition 13
- BOD 2019-20-17R Resolution in Support of AB 2972
- BOD 2019-20-18R In Support for CSUEB International Students
- BOD 2019-20-19R Resolution in Support of University Emergency Plans
- BOD 2019-20-21R Resolution to Condemn ICE
- BOD 2019-20-22R Resolution in Support of the Census 2020
- BOD 2019-20-23R Resolution AB 801
- Senate 2019-20-1R Resolution in Support of AB-331
- Senate 2019-20-1R Homelessness Awareness on CSUEB Syllabuses
- Senate 2019-20-2R Resolution of the Preservation of Title IXs Rights
- Senate 2019-20-3R Resolution for the Encouragement of the Completion of Title IX training
2018-19 Resolutions
- BOD 2018-19 -
lR Resolution on Fall Semester BOD Meeting Times & Setting - BOD 2018-19 - 2R Resolution for the Implementation of a Grade Transparency Policy using BlackBoard
- BOD 2018-19 - 3R Resolution for the Retiring and Replacement of Pioneer Pete
- BOD 2018-19 - 4R Resolution for the Creation of a Digital Student Voice Box
- BOD 2018-19 - 5R Resolution on Spring Semester BOD Meeting Times & Setting
- BOD 2018-19 - 6R Resolution for the Creation of a Sustainability Garden
- BOD 2018-19 - 7R Resolution in Support of Preserving the Significance and Relative Placement of the Agora Stage
- BOD 2018-19 - 8R Resolution Regarding the Impact of the Government Shutdown on Students of CSUEB
- BOD 2018-19 - 12R Resolution in Support of Policy for Additional Safety on Campus
- Senate 2018-19 – 1R Resolution on Fall Semester Senate Meeting Times & Setting
- Senate 2018-19 – 2R Resolution on Spring Semester Senate Meeting Times and Settings
2017-2018 Resolutions
- BOD 2017-18 - llR - Resolution in Support of Divestment from Corporations Complicit in the Occupation of Palestine
- BOD 2017-18 - 13R - Resolution for the implementation of Emergency Housing
- BOD 2017-18 - 3R - Resolution on Spring Quarter BOD Meeting Times
- BOD 2017-18 - 5R - Resolution Against the 2018 - 2019 Tuition Increase
- Sustainability Affairs Committee 2016-17-2R Resolution on Reducing Single-Use Plastic
- BOD 2017-18 - 1R Resolution to Support Senate Bill 16 “Wage Garnishment Restrictions: Exempt Earnings: Student Loans.”
- BOD 2017-18 - 2R: Establishment of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Renewal Fee Scholarship Policy
2016-2017 Resolutions
- BOD 2016 Resolution 8R - Resolution on DACA support
- BOD 2016-17 – Resolution on Spring Board of Directors Meeting Times
- Sustainability Affairs Committee 2016-17 – 1R Resolution on Using 100% Recycled Paper for All University Printers
- BOD 2016-17 - Resolution on Winter Board of Directors Meeting Times
- BOD 2016-17 - 5R Resolution on the Extension of Library hours at the Concord Campus
- BOD 2016-17 - 7R Resolution on Establishment of a Policy on Gender Inclusivity Across all Departments
- BOD 2016-17 - 3R Resolution on Fall Quarter Board of Directors Meeting Times and settings
- BOD 2016-17 - 1R Resolution on Priority Registration for Associated Students, Inc. Board of Directors
- BOD 2016-17 - 2R Resolution on Establishment of 乱伦社区, East Bay University Union Recreation and Wellness (Union-Well) Board of Directors
2015-2016 Resolutions
- BOD 2015-16 – 1R Resolution in Support of Establishing a University Hour
- BOD 2015-16 - 3R Resolution on Adding students to the CSUEB Search and Review Committees
- BOD 2015-16 - 4R Resolution on the Establishment of an ASI Senate
- BOD 2015-16 - 5R Resolution on the Establishment of a Chair
- BOD 2015-16 - 6R Resolution on the Change of Position Name
- BOD 2015-16 - 7R Resolution on the Board of Directors Term change
- BOD 2015-16 - 8R Resolution encouraging CSUEB and educators to explore Affordable Learning Alternatives and Open Education resources
- BOD 2015-16 - 9R Resolution on African-American Resource Center and support for African-American Student Success Center and Retentions
- BOD 2015-16 – 10R Resolution on Establishing a DREAMer Center and DREAMer Coordinator
2014-2015 Resolutions
- BOD 2014-2015 - IR Resolution Establishing an Ad hoc ASI Committee for the College of CLASS
- BOD 2014-2015 - 2R Additional Funding for the CSU System Resolution
- BOD 2014-15 - 3R Resolution on Establishing an Ad hoc Committee Student Quarter to Semester Conversion Committee
2013-2014 Resolutions
- BOD 2014 - 4R on Course Evaluation
- BOD 2014 - 2R Resolution to Modify Vacation Buyout
- BOD 2014 - 3R Resolution to Modify Travel Policy
- BOD 2014 - 4R Resolution to Adopt Conflict of Interest
Past Resolutions
- BOD 1992-1993 Resolution on 1/2 Cent Education Tax
- BOD 1993-1994 Faculty Diversity Resolution
- BOD 1994-1995 Resolution On Freedom to Choose Bookstore
- BOD 1994-1995 Resolution Opposing The Current Plan To Require Students To Purchase Personal Computers
- BOD 1994-1995 Resolution on The Authority To Make Student Appointments
- BOD 1999-2000 Mandatory Community Service Resolution No.992
- BOD 2007-08 Resolution In Opposition To Alternative Consultation To Raise Category Ⅰ Fees For Division Ⅱ at CSUEB
- BOD 2007-08 Resolution In Support of Hayward Master Plan
- BOD 2010-11 A Resolution Containing The Student Response to The Proposed A2E2 Fee
- BOD 2010-11 A Resolution In Support of AB 540 Students and The Conditions that Promote their Access to a Quality Public Higher Education
- College Hour Resolution
- A Resolution against the Closure of 70 California State Parks in July 2012
- A Resolution in Favor of Green Transportation Solutions
- A Resolution in Support of AB540 Students in December 2010
- AB131- Student Financial Aid administered by the State of California
- BOD 2013-10R Resolution on Academic Advising
- BOD 2013-2R Resolution to Adopt Flex Cash Benefit Policy
- BOD 2013-5R Resolution Supporting Aramark Students
- EC2011-IR Execution of the 2012 Operating Agreement Resolution
- EXCOM 2013-2R Resolution on Increasing Student Participation in University Committees
- IA2012-1 Audit Committee Charter Resolution
- IA2012-2 Travel Resolution
- IA2012-3P Card Resolution
- IA2012-4 Vacation
Buy Out Policy - IA2012-6R Education Benefits Resolution
- LEG2013-IR Governor Browns Performance
- LGBTQ Resolution
- Memorandum Club Funding Reached Spring 2013