CSCI Assessment

College of Science Assessment Explained

Assessment helps us to determine how well learning outcomes at the course (SLOs), program (PLOs), and University (ILOs) level are being reached. The data is then used to inform curricular and pedagogical changes. Curriculum maps indicate the courses in which students are introduced to, develop, and master the PLO's and how those relate to the ILO's. The five-year plans explain the cycle proposed for assessing each PLO and the methodology to be used. Departments complete annual reports on the assessment results for that academic year and plans moving forward based on those results. Five year reports are posted on the Committee for Academic Planning and Review (CAPR) site. CSCI quarter based assessment archives prior assessment reports. CSCI Programs receiving external accreditation are listed here

Locate your department’s course outcomes   Pedagogy, assignments, and assessments should be designed to meet course, program, and institutional learning outcomes as indicated in curriculum maps and assessment plans.

CSCI Assessment

Department/Programs Curriculum
Long Term Curriculum Assessment Plan Assessment Annual Reports
2018-2019 2019-2020
Biological Sciences
B.S.-Biological Sciences BS BS 2018 2019
B.A.-Biological Sciences BA BA 2018 2019
M.S.-Biological Sciences MS MS 2018 2019
Chemistry and Biochemistry 
B.S.-Chemistry BS BS 2018 2019
B.A.-Chemistry BA BA 2018 2019
B.A.-Biochemistry BA BA 2018 2019
B.S.-Biochemistry BS BS 2018 2019
M.S.-Chemistry MS MS 2018 2019
Computer Science
B.S.-Computer Science BS BS 2018 2019
M.S.-Computer Science MS MS 2018 2019
Earth and Environmental Sciences
B.S.-Geology BS BS 2018 delayed due to COVID-19
B.A.-Geology BA BA 2018 delayed due to COVID-19
B.S.-Environmental Sciences BS BS 2018 delayed due to COVID-19
M.S.-Geology MS MS 2018 delayed due to COVID-19
School of Engineering 
B.S.-Comp Engineering BS BS 2018 2019
B.S.-Indust Engineering BS BS 2018 2019
B.S.-Construction Management BS BS 2018 2019
M.S.-Engineering Management  MS MS 2018 2019
M.S.-Construction Management MS MS 2018 2019
Health Sciences
B.S.-Health Sciences BS BS 2018* 2019
B.S.-Mathematics BS BS 2018 2019
M.S.-Mathematics MS MS 2018 2019
B.S.-Nursing BS BS 2018 2019
M.S.-Nursing MS MS 2018 2019
B.A.-Physics BA BA 2018 2019
B.S.-Physics BS BS 2018 2019
B.S.-Psychology BS BS, BS 2018 2019
B.A.-Psychology BA BA 2018 2019
Statistics and Biostatistics
B.S.-Statistics BS BS 2018 2019
M.S.-Statistics MS MS 2018 2019
M.S.-Biostatistics MS MS 2018 2019